Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Random News-Quizzes

Welcome to the SuperQuiz, the quiz where YOU, yes not you, can find out if you will end up in one of 8 different possibilities. The rules are pretty simple, answer the questions and record which letter you put from A-H. The letter you pick the most will be your outcome.

Q1- What job sounds the best to you?
A-Taunting People
B-Hijacking evil bad guy bases
C-Movie Making
E-Fast Food Service
F-Growing a mustache
G-Jumping off anything and getting paid
H-Anything Awesome

Q2- Which of these is your favorite pastime?
C-Film Making for Youtube
D-Watching alien movies
F-Cow Wrangling
G-Bungee Jumping
H-Being Cool. If you pick this one your are lying.

Q3- What’s your favorite Place?
A-The Carnival
B-Anywhere with lots of action
C-The Mall
E-The Nearest place with some good food
G-The Top of a skyscraper

Q4- Which is your favorite school subject?
A-Creative Communications
F-Cow Wrangling
H-School kind of sucks unless I have A’s so I’ll have to go with Languages because I can make fun of you because I talk Spanish and you don’t so just stop yelling at your dog to get a job already.

Q5- If you could be best buddies with one person, who would it be?
B-James Bond
D-Optimus Prime
E-Ronald McDonald
F-Sandy from Spongebob
G-Anybody who does awesome stunts
H-Cameron. Pick this or you fail.

Q6- What music do you listen to?
A-Theme Songs to shows for 3 year olds
B-Patriotic Music
C-Barbie Girl
E-Ba Da Ba Ba Ba I’m Lovin It
G-Rock. But not metal, more like Bon Jovi sort of rock (not really rock just Bon Jovi)

Q7-And, Finally, what would be you’re catch phrase if you were on TV?
A-I’m gonna shove this pie in your face
B-I’m Something, Something Something.
C-Ba Wak Bak Bak Bla Baaak Chickens!
E-Ba Da Ba Ba Ba I’m Lovin It
F-Howdy Partner!
G-Just let me jump off this cliff and I’ll be right with you.
H-Cameron is awesome and British like that.

Get your Results (If you really want to....)

Mostly A’s- You are most like that clown who sits at the carnival in the dunk tank annoying people so they throw balls at you and you fall in some water. Either that or you will enjoy run on sentences and Palindromes.

Mostly B’s- You will one day do something monumentally heroic but you won’t get paid. The FBI will only reward you with towels, disinfectant spray, and water Balloons.

Mostly C’s- You will probably get a love of making movies if you don’t already have one. Sadly, the movies you make will ALL be chick flicks. If you are not a girl, I feel very Nick Start for you. And I mostly believe that at least a 74.6% of a kind of okay thing to say to you.

Mostly D’s- You will join forces with alien robots and take over the world. You WILL get paid. LOTS.

Mostly E’s- You’re Lovin’it. Hope your job at McDonalds goes well.

Mostly F’s- You will move to Texas, get a lasso, and herd some cows. Howdy will be all you say and you will go to the Saloon for your daily workout. Too bad you will one day be eaten by one of your own cows. Just kidding that would be too awesome to let you experience.

Mostly G’s- Before you break your pelvis for the 987458974th time, you will get paid $0 by me. Have fun bungee jumping!

Mostly H’s-You are about as superb, cool, funny, awesome, sweet, amazing, fantastic, majestic, beastalarious, and British as me. If you are not British you’re probably looking for mostly C’s.

How did you do? We don’t care.

The Fat Adventure 3 is finally here you 93826526482365874379854368
75745634984526 people I haven’t yet met! If you fail, well you fail. If you don’t fail, good job, but there is no prize for you.

1. You are bored and sitting at your desk having a midautumn night’s dream in midday and you are in _________’s class. (This can be any teacher you choose just don’t write in the blank cause you will be explogrnargufalakinated in the cd player. ) Suddenly, you are awakened by ________, your friend, and realize that your teacher, ________, has just given out the test. You start it and below is your first question:

How many Gnarberts are in the Yourkingiars Galactic System?
A) 3 Million
B) 3 Billion
C) 3 Trillion
D) 3 Gaxillicolleection

To punch your teacher, go to 2.
To punch your friend who woke you up, go to 3.

2. Obviously, the punching cause major destructiconation. But, even after getting expelled, you live a mediumly happy life until a hobo steals your socks.


3. Your friend has already finished his test and doesn’t really care that much. Still, your teacher sees and you get expelled. You run away from home and decide to catch the nearest train outta here...
To go to New York, got to 4
To go to LA, go to 5

4. You hitch a ride to New York city and arrive a laggard’s kingdom, a place for the slower of people. After joining this awfully snail-like club, you get bored and live a life of exile in the New York suburbs.


5. LA is a blast! You meet ________, _________ and __________, your favorite celebrities. But you make kind of a wrong choice. You burn the Hollywood sign. To avoid arrest you:

Fly away in a jetpack you found - go to 6
Shrink into the size of an ant- go to 7

6. Oh dear. This Jetpack doesn’t work very well, since it’s manufactured by ________, you’re least favorite company.


7. An old adage that doesn’t exist says that shrink rays don’t exist. We think it’s a load of _______, your least favorite food. You use it to shrink but found out Bob has done the same thing. To defeat Bob, the weapon you choose is a:

Gun- Go to 8
Sword- Go to 9

8. You don’t pick up a gun because gun’s aren’t as small as an ant.


9. You use a huge blade of grass to defeat Bob, you run, but you come in front of an ant the size of you.
You turn into normal size and buy a plane ticket to...

Australia - Go to 10
England- Go to 11

10. Australia is nice and warm, but you get sunburn every day for the rest of your life.


11. England is a good place. Rain, monarchy and Gordon Brown please you. But not for long. Bob Chuckleberry, Bob’s British cousin is their. This is a real test of common sense. So how do you defeat him?

Using Telekinesis
Using Rock N Roll

12. Humans don’t have telekinesis, you ______, your least favorite animal.


13. Good job. you beat him and all is well. Except you


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