Friday, November 5, 2010

Youtube Channel Reviews 17- MrEjVideos

MrEjVideos Channel Review

by rocknrollrocksout

Hey guys,t his is rocknrollrocksout with a review for the youtube channel "MrEjVideos". This channel includes videos from two users, one of which is Jasonvorhees102, who I reviewed before. This channel currently has 6 videos, which are mostly short videos, the longest being "the awesome adventure", which is being played now. This is my favorite of the videos. This channel has a lot of potential, but I think they need to upload more videos, and do them more often. They have 24 subscribers at the moment, which isn't bad for a channel this new, but they do need more. So, I recommend you watch one of their videos, whichever sound best to you, and, if you like, then subscribe. Apart from that, I don't have much else to say.

So, on to the ratings

Video/Sound Quality: 13/25- Average
Video Entertainment: 15/25- Vids Could be longer, and there are not many videos.
Involvement with Youtube Community: 8/25- Have about 1,500 views, and only 24 subscribers.
Potential: 16/25- They're only kids now- could go on to do great things.

Overall Rating: 52/100 - Not Bad

Please don't be mad at the score. You videos are good and they seem to get better.

My Rating System:

91-100- Supreme. An already famous channel with frequent, always entertaining videos.
81-90- Excellent. If not already famous, this channel will soon become it. Awesome videos all round.
71-80- Great. A possible youtube sensation in the making, with mostly solid videos.
61-70- Good. Not amazing, but the videos are decent throughout and this channel is involved in the youtube community.
51-60- Not Bad. This channel could definitely be improved, but has at least some potential.
41-50- Meh. Some work here and there, and this channel could be better. Probably not very well known.
31-40- Poor. Either a new and unestablished channel or one that needs a lot of work.
21-30- Bad. This channel is unknown and all-round shoddy.
11-20- Terrible. An uninvolved, unentertaining channel.
1-10- Cataclysmic. A channel so bad it would make your eyes and ears bleed.
0- Marik Ishtar. See rule #34. You lost the game. Get my drift?

Top 100 Videos Games of All Time

Not just my opinion included.

100. Eye Toy Series

99. LEGO- Themed Games (Good For Kids)

98. Forza Motorsport Series (Good series but very young)

97. RPG Maker Series

96. Wolfenstein Seriescameronrules36's Profile Banner

95. Destroy All Human Series

94. Spore Series

93. Worms Series

92. Pokemon Series

91. Virtua Fighter Series

90. Crysis

89. World In Conflict

88. Duke Nukem Series

87. Megaman Series

86. Braid

85. Killzone Series

84. Tiger Woods Series

83. Monkey Island Series

82. Fifa Series

81. Buzz! Series

80. Team Fortress Series

79. Bioshock

78. Okami

77. Elder Scrolls Series

76. Resistance Series

75. Bully

74. Medal of Honor Series

73. Kingdom Hearts Series

72. Parappa the Rapper Series

71. Dynasty Warriors Series

70. Sly Cooper Series

69. Spyro Series

68. Need 4 Speed Series

67. Star Wars Battlefront I and II

66. Super Smash Bros Brawl Series

65. Red Dead Redemption

64.Fear Series

63. Guitar Hero Series

62. Left 4 Dead Series

61. Batman: Arkham Asylum

60. Castlevania Series

59. Silent Hill Series

58. Pong

57. Syphon Filter Series

56. Rayman Series

55. Rollercoaster Tycoon Series (Basically Any Theme Park Game also Included)

54. Crash Bandicoot Series

53. Tony Hawk Series

52. Infamous

51. Shadow of the Colossus

50. Gran Turismo Series

49. Burnout Series (Just a bit more popular than Gran Turismo)

48. Ninja Gaiden Series

47. Soul Calibur Series

46. Gear of War Series

45. Prince of Persia Series

44. Assassin's Creed Series

43. Mass Effect Series

42. Tomb Raider Series

41. Katamari Series

40. Starcraft Series

39. Banjo Kazooie Series

38. Rock Band Series

37. Pacman

36. Fallout Series

35. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

34. The Sims Series

33. Tekken Series

32. Jak and Daxter Series

31.Chrono Trigger

30. Mortal Combat Series

29. Command and Conquer Series

28. DOOM (Very First FPS)

27. Wii Play (Most owned game ever- 60,000,000 people have it)

26. Little Big Planet (Huge online Community)

25. Space Invaders (The REAL Best arcade game eva!)

24. Sonic Series

23. Ratchet and Clank Series

22. Mario Kart Series

21. Resident Evil Series

20. Donkey Kong Series

19. Portal

18. Call of Duty Series

17. Super Mario GalaxyI and II

16. Street Fighter Series

15. Devil May Cry Series

14. Tetris

13. Half-Life Series

12. God of War Series

11. Metal Gear Solid Series

10. Metroid Series

9. Civilization Series

8. Goldeneye

7. Uncharted Series (Best Ps3 Game and prob. best graphics yet)

6. Halo Series

5. World of Warcraft Series

4. Final Fantasy Series

3. Grand Theft Auto Series

2. Legend of Zelda Series

1. Mario Series (No Dip, Sherlock)

The Return

I am back. I'm working on more videos, including a feature-length fat adventure movie.

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