The Random News has been created by Cameron(rocknrollrocksout), elrond501st, and some ideas by or inspired by Nick. It was originally created in a math class by Cameron and elrond, and it soon became popular among Cameron's friends. It has a lot of cliches and main characters, such as:
- Bob
- Mrs Lovely
- Nick
- Bobbbb
- The wrong home(or the wrong uzbekistan in some cases)
- 50-ton animal(usually gerbils)
- Shin Kicking'
- Active Volcano Land.
It's Creator, Cameron
Cameron is an ametuer writer, director, and actor who mostly makes videos for his video channel, rocknrollrocksout. In 2009 he entered the West Branch Children's Film Festival and won an award for best Youth Produced film, for his short documentray, "Moving Stateside". He is the writer of the Random News. Cameron supports Liverpool.
Cameron has won the West Branch Children's Film Festival award for best youth produced film- "Moving Stateside"(see right). He can also play Guitar Hero on expert, and has won a poetry award for his poem "OUTER SPACE". He is a yellow belt in Taekwondo. TO NO AVAILVideos/Style
Most of Cameron's videos are comedy spoofs or video game reviews. His characters include Bob, Mrs Lovely, and Tennis Man. He has writen over 100 reviews on his Gamespot account, cameronrules36, and about 10 on his ign account. He has made video reviews of Madagascar 2, Guitar Hero 2, Ratchet Deadlocked and Star Wars Battlefront on the ps2. He has also made a few music videos, including "Ambition Song", "Freakk of Naturre", "In Deep Trouble", and "Alien Invasion", which are on his youtube account, He also has wrote a screenplay, called "One Final Speech", which was thought up of him at the West Branch festival where he won the award. The screenplay is about the life of a 12 year old who gets hired by the government to write the President's speeches. It is a comedy and is set to be around 40 minutes long. It has not yet been made. He is also planning to make a movie about Nuclear Fusion with his friends Elrond501st and Max. He has recently made videos using Pivot AQnimator and xtranormal, and also the ocasionally speakonia.
Moving Stateside
Cameron's film, Moving Stateside, which can be viewed on his Youtube channel, is about his thoughts on moving to America. His mom, Pauline , helped him film and edit the film, as she is an independent film maker and actor(Sleep Study, 2010-scheduled for TV release), herself. It won an award at the wbcff.The Random News
Cameron created The Random News one day when he was bored in math. It eventually became a re-accuring magazine/comic/sketch series which he made with his friends, and he has put it on his blog page, and made videos based on it on his youtube channel, rocknrollrocksout. elrond501st also has a youtube channel, and also wrote a special Random News comic.Reviews
Cameron has reviewed many video games on both his IGN and Gamespot accounts.He has reviewed 162 games on Gamespot and about 20 on IGN.Freakk of Naturre
In 2009, Cameron created a series of music videos in an album called "Freakk of Naturre" which are available to watch on his Youtube Channel . There are 4 songs, "Freakk of Naturre", which is about a fearsome monster, "Alien Invasion", which is his most viewed video, and his favorite, which is a song about aliens. "Ambition Song" is about job possibilities, and "In Deep Trouble" is about a person who is in very big trouble. He has also posted other songs on his Facebook page.Music Videos
The music videos of the Freakk of Naturre songs are usually just Cameron, wearing costumes and playing air guitar. In "In Deep Trouble", he is running away from an invisible bad guy.Other Videos
"Sprite Commercial"
Sprite Commercial is a commercial where a monkey tries to get a can of sprite."The Adventures of Cameron"
The Adventures of Cameron are videos that are mostly animated, and some contain old random news sketches."Toy Wars"
A series of videos still in the making using toys, such as Daleks from Doctor Who and Rubiks cube. These are comedy spoofs.One Final Speech
One Final Speech is a screenplay written by Cameron. It is about the President's Speech Writer.
Kevin, a normal 12 year old, has won numerous writing competitions around the nation and the news of his wins reaches the Government. Tom Waterford, a Presidential candidate, hires Kevin for the job of speech writer and he is sucsessful. However, someone starts editring the speeches with silly jokes and yo mama insults. Kevin is blamed, and the President's life is sent into embarrasment and turmoil. The new President's(Tom's) secret agents catch the criminal.... and a whole bunch of secrets are revealed....
Main Characters
- Tom Waterford- President of the United States- Hires Kevin to write speeches
- Kevin- Writes speeches for Tom
- Bob- Vice President(Based on the Random News' Bob)
- Wonton and Jeeves- Secret Agents
- Rick- School Bully
- Mrs Anderson- Teacher at Kevin's School
- Bernard- Friend of Kevin
- Mom and Dad- Parents of Kevin
It has not been made yet so it's length is unkown. Set to be about 45 minutes-60 minutes.8-14 Age group aimed.
elrond501st is the partner of Cameron. He wrote an issue of the Random News and has various youtube videos. He is also very amazing... yes, quite. By the way, he is constantly playing PS3, and his username is the title of this page. The videos he uploads are mostly replays from the video game PAIN for the ps3. e appeared in the video "Shoulders of Firey Vengance" alongside Cameron.
The Random News is a comic-book in Newspaper style and it features main characters Mrs Lovely, Nick, Bob, Bobbbb, and later on Tennis Man.
In the pilot issue, pop star/rapper PUNK MAN, who does not appear later on in the series, kills his pet bunny with a branch he sawed off his evergreen tree, Arnold J. Treebranch. Also in this issue, Mrs Lovely, a horoscope writer, writes her first column, and Nick runs for evil Dictator of the island Active Volcano Land, which is owned by Bob and explained more fully in later issues, especially issue 3, which is an Active Volcano Land special. The Fat Adventure Series is a series of spin-offs included with the Random News, and starring Bob(later Bobbbb and Bob's Relatives aswell). These are based in choose-your own path style, although there are only two paths, win or lose. Other characters appearing in the series are Janet Happiness, who replaces Mrs Lovely, the Alien Invaders, who kidnap Mrs Lovely, and many more. Cameron wrote this series with help from elrond501st and Nick.
About The Random News
Active Volcano Land
Alien Invaders
Arnold J. Treebranch
Bob's Relatives
Frogs and Rabbits
Mrs Lovely
Janet Happiness
Shin Kicking
Shoulders of Firey Vengance
Tennis Man
The Fat Adventure Series
The Kids
The Story
Trading Cards
Water Pistol
Youtube Videos
List of Characters in the Random News
Click here to read The Random News, The Fat Adventure, and view the trading cards.
Videos from Cameron's Youtube channel
2009 Christmas Special
One Final Speech
Hello Kitty Tea Party
Nick is a character in the Random News, known for his love of shin-kicking people. He appears in most issues of the Random News and is based on a real-life person. Nick lives in Active Volcano Land, and has been featured in The Fat Adventure as well. He will appear as a trading card.
Nick is usually in cameo appearances in the series, with references in the news and also in the Fat Adventure. Usually ending up with him in the fat adventure is an automatic fail, and he is not different to Chuck Norris, as he always wins and is indefeatable. The Shin Kicking is usually the main attack Nick uses in the Fat Adventure, although it is not usually implied. Clearly he wins the shin-kicking competition of VIOLENCE!!!!!! He uses the phrase, "We ask questions no one else even DARES think about!!!!"
Tennis Man
Tennis Man is a character that has not yet been featured in the Random News.
He is due to appear later in the series and is on numerous trading cards of the series already. He is going to be a main character, and was though up of by Cameron and elrond501st.
The Character
Tennis Man is a tennis player, who thinks he is the greatest and acts over the top and egotastic. He is, however, very bad at playing tennis. Tennis Man is the son of a council of gods, and his destiny is to become a god and take over the rule of god of Sports. His mission in life is to become the greatest Tennis Player that ever lived, but, so far, to no avail. He is nice, deep down, but gets into a lot of trouble. In the Chrismas Special, coming out soon, he makes his Random News debut, and gets into trouble with Nick, Bob, Bobette, and Mrs Lovely.
The Inspiration
Cameron and elrond501st thought up of Tennis Man while playing tennis, and made up a theme song expressing his over-the-top personality and stupendous ego. Cameron decided to include him as a trading card and character in the random news sereis. He will appear in the 2009 Christmas Special.
The Information
Tennis Man is a half-human half-god. His father is the God of Sports on the Council of Entertainment Gods. He is a tall, skinny man with an over-the-top ego, although he is very nice. He usually gets into trouble and this will be shown in the 2009 Christmas Special. He enjys Tennis and doesn't realize he isn't good at it. He is, however, let into numerous Tennis tournaments because of his family background and life mission, both of which Tennis Man is unaware of. His partner in doubles matches in The Christmas Special is originally Mrs Loely, and later Janet Happiness, who is Mrs Lovely's rival and once took over her job.
Bob is one of the main characters of the Random News and is usually in The Fat Adventure Series. He is a very fat man who enjoys fast food. He is the bad-guy in all the fat adventure, and has many relatives(Bob's Relatives), all of whom have Bob somewhere in there name. He has featured in every Random News, and was the first character thought up of by Cameron, the writer.
In "The Fat Adventure"
Most of the stories in the Fat Adventure series start with "Bob is chasing you". Bob is the antagonist in all the Fat Adventures, except a few which are about his dad, Bobbbb. Bob is not always the character that brings the reader's demise in the story, as other characters, such as Nick, and Bob's Relatives, also appear as characters opposing the reader(who is the protagonist, since it is a choose-your own adventure). In 50% of the paths of the story(you get two choices each time), Bob, or another bad guy, usually Bobbbb, or Nick, is sucsessful. Bob never really dies in the story, although annihilation is sometimes mentioned. He seems to always come back, and will do so for the rest of the Fat Adventures.
Origin of the Character
Bob's first story was not in fact The Fat Adventure. Cameron wrote certain short stories about Bob but they are not relevant to The Fat Adventure. The Fat Adventure was originnally a planned movie, actually starring Mrs Lovely, but Cameron thought Bob's character was more relevant to the role and added him in, eventually including him in the comic he wrote later, "The Random News".
In "The Random News"
In "The Random News", Bob owns the dangerous, yet populous, Active Volcano Land, and it is run by the evil dictator Nick, who is another main character in the series. Bob also appeared in a few spoof movies and was part of the kidnapping of Mrs Lovely.