Tuesday, December 14, 2010
2010 RORROFL Awards Nominees Announced
Hi, this is rocknrollrocksout with the nominees for my 2010 RORROFL Awards. I will have awards for best Channel, Parody video, Original video, meme, and website of the year. Nominees:Best Channel: CardGamesFTW, James@War, Mr TardisReviews , Cletustheyokel7396, Smosh, MrWeebl, Nigahiga, BarelyPolitical(KOA), PanicPagoda, CollegeHumor, Realannoyingorange, Schmoyoho and Dshban. Listen up for other awards in the vid! Also, comment on this vid and you could get featured in the awards!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Youtube Channel Reviews 17- MrEjVideos
by rocknrollrocksout
Hey guys,t his is rocknrollrocksout with a review for the youtube channel "MrEjVideos". This channel includes videos from two users, one of which is Jasonvorhees102, who I reviewed before. This channel currently has 6 videos, which are mostly short videos, the longest being "the awesome adventure", which is being played now. This is my favorite of the videos. This channel has a lot of potential, but I think they need to upload more videos, and do them more often. They have 24 subscribers at the moment, which isn't bad for a channel this new, but they do need more. So, I recommend you watch one of their videos, whichever sound best to you, and, if you like, then subscribe. Apart from that, I don't have much else to say.
So, on to the ratings
Video/Sound Quality: 13/25- Average
Video Entertainment: 15/25- Vids Could be longer, and there are not many videos.
Involvement with Youtube Community: 8/25- Have about 1,500 views, and only 24 subscribers.
Potential: 16/25- They're only kids now- could go on to do great things.
Overall Rating: 52/100 - Not Bad
Please don't be mad at the score. You videos are good and they seem to get better.
My Rating System:
91-100- Supreme. An already famous channel with frequent, always entertaining videos.
81-90- Excellent. If not already famous, this channel will soon become it. Awesome videos all round.
71-80- Great. A possible youtube sensation in the making, with mostly solid videos.
61-70- Good. Not amazing, but the videos are decent throughout and this channel is involved in the youtube community.
51-60- Not Bad. This channel could definitely be improved, but has at least some potential.
41-50- Meh. Some work here and there, and this channel could be better. Probably not very well known.
31-40- Poor. Either a new and unestablished channel or one that needs a lot of work.
21-30- Bad. This channel is unknown and all-round shoddy.
11-20- Terrible. An uninvolved, unentertaining channel.
1-10- Cataclysmic. A channel so bad it would make your eyes and ears bleed.
0- Marik Ishtar. See rule #34. You lost the game. Get my drift?
Top 100 Videos Games of All Time
100. Eye Toy Series
99. LEGO- Themed Games (Good For Kids)
98. Forza Motorsport Series (Good series but very young)
97. RPG Maker Series
96. Wolfenstein Seriescameronrules36's Profile Banner
95. Destroy All Human Series
94. Spore Series
93. Worms Series
92. Pokemon Series
91. Virtua Fighter Series
90. Crysis
89. World In Conflict
88. Duke Nukem Series
87. Megaman Series
86. Braid
85. Killzone Series
84. Tiger Woods Series
83. Monkey Island Series
82. Fifa Series
81. Buzz! Series
80. Team Fortress Series
79. Bioshock
78. Okami
77. Elder Scrolls Series
76. Resistance Series
75. Bully
74. Medal of Honor Series
73. Kingdom Hearts Series
72. Parappa the Rapper Series
71. Dynasty Warriors Series
70. Sly Cooper Series
69. Spyro Series
68. Need 4 Speed Series
67. Star Wars Battlefront I and II
66. Super Smash Bros Brawl Series
65. Red Dead Redemption
64.Fear Series
63. Guitar Hero Series
62. Left 4 Dead Series
61. Batman: Arkham Asylum
60. Castlevania Series
59. Silent Hill Series
58. Pong
57. Syphon Filter Series
56. Rayman Series
55. Rollercoaster Tycoon Series (Basically Any Theme Park Game also Included)
54. Crash Bandicoot Series
53. Tony Hawk Series
52. Infamous
51. Shadow of the Colossus
50. Gran Turismo Series
49. Burnout Series (Just a bit more popular than Gran Turismo)
48. Ninja Gaiden Series
47. Soul Calibur Series
46. Gear of War Series
45. Prince of Persia Series
44. Assassin's Creed Series
43. Mass Effect Series
42. Tomb Raider Series
41. Katamari Series
40. Starcraft Series
39. Banjo Kazooie Series
38. Rock Band Series
37. Pacman
36. Fallout Series
35. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
34. The Sims Series
33. Tekken Series
32. Jak and Daxter Series
31.Chrono Trigger
30. Mortal Combat Series
29. Command and Conquer Series
28. DOOM (Very First FPS)
27. Wii Play (Most owned game ever- 60,000,000 people have it)
26. Little Big Planet (Huge online Community)
25. Space Invaders (The REAL Best arcade game eva!)
24. Sonic Series
23. Ratchet and Clank Series
22. Mario Kart Series
21. Resident Evil Series
20. Donkey Kong Series
19. Portal
18. Call of Duty Series
17. Super Mario GalaxyI and II
16. Street Fighter Series
15. Devil May Cry Series
14. Tetris
13. Half-Life Series
12. God of War Series
11. Metal Gear Solid Series
10. Metroid Series
9. Civilization Series
8. Goldeneye
7. Uncharted Series (Best Ps3 Game and prob. best graphics yet)
6. Halo Series
5. World of Warcraft Series
4. Final Fantasy Series
3. Grand Theft Auto Series
2. Legend of Zelda Series
1. Mario Series (No Dip, Sherlock)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Best Rising Youtuber Awards Nomnees Announced!
The Nominees: (To view their vids, type youtube.com/user/ (their name here) to view their channel in the adress bar)
Facebook Graffitti
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Best Rising Youtuber Awards 2!
Hi guys! If you think your videos/ channel is really great and you think you deserve more views/ subbers, then this is the contest for you! Twice a year, in my Best Rising Youtuber contest, I nominate/ pick 15 youtubers in my contest/ awards and I send the winner's videos to all my friends! Previous winners are the potter spells and powered panda. There is a people's choice and my choice award. Leave a comment/ video response if you want to be nominated.
New Ps3 Games
Youtube Channel Reviews 16- chrimsonchaos5
Rating- 7/10
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Hello Guys
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Random News Movie
Saw Iron man 2, it was awesome, better than the first.
Doctor Who Amy's Choice was great too.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Youtube Channel Reviews 14- Adriaccini
Originality: 3/10
Sound/Picture Quality: 7/10
Frequency: 7/10
Entertainment/Helpfulness: 6/10
Confidence: N/A because he isn't in any of his video.
Overall: 5.8/10
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Youtube Channel Reviews 13- Leosignit
This time I'll be going more in-depth with the reviewss and I'll accompany the video review with a written one.
Leosignit is a youtuber who mostly concentrates on creating video-game related videos, whether it's just plain gameplay or let's plays, reviews, trailers, or more, but he has some other stuff on there too.
I think I found leosignit when I was searching for Crash Tag Team Racing Videos, as you do. His let's play are long and interesting, and his reviews go in-depth and variably detailed. Quality wise, I have few problems. His sound can be a bit annoying and blocky, but the picture is fine and works well. The games he has chosen vary greatly from Crash Tag Team Racing to Pokemon to Halo. He has a few webcam videos also to keep his channel varying. His videos are fairly original but nothing someone else couldn't do. He updates frequently and stays true to picking good games to play and review, so you can trust he'll have more videos soon. He sounds confident and ready to go, and speaks well, clear enough to get over the dodgy sound.
-Originality: 5/10
-Sound/Picture Quality: 5/10
-Frequency: 7/10
-Entertainment/ Helpfullness: 7/10
-Confidence: 7/10
Overall: 6.2/10
Here is the Review Video:
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
2 New Vidoes- Pitch Changery!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Shoulders of Firey Vengance Episode 2- American Aspartame
Note: If this video does not interest you, skip to the last few seconds (about 6:20 onwards)
Shoulders of Firey Vengeance, the show me and Brian (elrond501st) made, is back! This HD, new-and-improved, now with better effects, is back with a blast. Starring Cameron (rocknrollrocksout), Max(exron24) and Brian (elrond501st), this comedy story is about resistance fighter Max Chapstikkicka, who is fighting the deadly Aspartame legion (aspartame is actually a chemical found in coke, that's where I got the name). The legion's best-loved member, Steve (even though they are all called Steve) fights Max in a battle to the death. We leave at a cliffhanger- what will happen when Lord Elder Sandaffaffur teaches Max how to duel., Ends with a deleted scene where we meet a chipmunk and scare it away. Stay tuned, we'll make part 2 of this epic, about teaching dueling (to no avail) and upload it in a few weeks.
You know how NigaHiga has TeeHee after all of it's videos? Well we have Christaffaffurr Sandaffuffurr! Try pronouncing that!
It's funny how Max doesn't know who Chris Crocker is....
This awesome(ish) video!
Monday, April 26, 2010
You were just emailed by rocknrollrocksout- please visit youtube.com/user/rocknrollrocksout
Doctor Who Time Of Angels Review
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Youtube Channel Reviews 7- TheWiiCrazy
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Victory of the Daleks Review
Friday, April 16, 2010
Youtube Channel Reviews 1- Loopmoploop
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Story of Sunshinity and The Maxwell Videos
Ebeneezer Goode Video Removal
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My RPG Maker VX Game
Doctor Who : The Beast Below
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Platinum Arts Sandbox Game/Program Review
Rpg Maker Vx Game Review
game maker first, but I was entirely disappointed. Not only is Game Maker confusing, but it has little good or worthwhile features. I, therefore, am an RPG Maker man. I started with RPG Maker 2003. It was less confusing than game maker, but, it being 2005 then, I decided for an upgrade. I got RPG Maker xp, and it was my favorite game for a year. I made a really long game with my own characters and enemies, eg. It was an in-depth game creator that shone over the rest. 2 years later and with a ps2, I bought rpg maker 3. I was disappointed. Not because it was bad, just not as good. It was more complecated, slower, and, worst of all, crashed my memory card with it's complicated engine. So, now in 2010, I play RPG Maker Vx. It is solely the same game as RPG Maker xp, just faster, easier-to-use, better graphics, and more options (for example, you can easily make vehicle levels without script). I am not disappointed, since this is exactly what I wanted. Bringing me back to the familiar RPG Maker xp I know, RPG Maker VX stands tall above all other Game creating games and is not to be missed. The only problems I have found are the usual bugs that can happen from time to time, slightly annoying the game you've made, and that it takes a while to load the first time you play. Recommended to the creative fellow who wishes to spend a lot of time having a heck of a lot of fun but who is patient.
Diary of A wimpy kid movie review
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Top 100 Animals
It took a well long time to make this!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Reviews: Clash of the Titans, The Eleventh Hour, How to Train Your Dragon
Clash of the Titans was crap.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Top 10 British Comedy Shows
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Random News- Issue 3
New Bills and New Countries!
Recently toady, 5 new bills were passed by Nick, the evil dictator. The Bills, each from a standard duck, was sold to Bob Smith for $75 each. Bob also, with his money from the Resteraunt he owns, "Land of Toxic Delicacies" has bought the newly found island, 20 miles east of America, for $5,000,000. He has added this country to the many countries in the world, and named it "Active Volcano Land", in memory of his road and the island's lovely scenery, including 50sq Mi of Active Volcanoes.
The Island, which is 5sq miles big, is said to be the safest island in the world, with only 742 eruptions a day. The Island, 200 miles into the Atlantic, is home to over 750 species of slugs, and the rare buck-toothed tiger. The HippyPottamus has also been sighted. This animal, the rarest in the world, with only 36 left on this very island, has been taught to say "Peace" and can also make a peace sign. It, along with the parrot, can also copy human's language, but changing the words slightly with their comic minds.
An airport, many towns and a Barbie Factory has been built on the island from Bob's Request. If you require more information, visit www.volcanolandfordummies.blogspot.com, or buy the book at any good book retailer. This book will be available as of New Year 2009.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Trigger Treat!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Custom Yugioh Cards
Here are some cards I made on www.yugiohcardmaker.net
of the Random News.
Notes: In Random-News-Gi-Oh! We call lifepoints lif3points.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Sherlock Holmes movie Review
The Tooth Fairy Movie Review
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Movie Review
Alice In Wonderland(2010) Movie Review
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Rocknrollrocksout TV Awards
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Slumdog Millionaire(2008) Movie Review
The story follows Jamal Malik, a 20-something Indian boy who works as a "chai wallah"- server of tea, at a tv broadcast station in India. He finds a way to get onto the show, who wants to be a millionaire, and gets all the way to 10 million in the first day. He is arrested for suspicion of fraud and through an emotional extravaganza of violence, love, comedy and destiny he describes and depicts the reasons he knows the answers to the questions. You can tell Jamal doesn't really want the money, he just wants to find his lost love, because he knows she is watching. Along the way he loses his mother, is taken in by a man who turns out to be a bad guy, sees his brother become a gangster, and many more fantastic stories. A dazzling movie that definitely deserves the Oscar Gold it won, Slumdog Millionaire is one of the best films of the decade.
Overall Verdict: 9/10
2010 Rocknrollrocksout Film , Tv, and Game Awards- Best Rising Youtuber- Cameron's ChoiceA
The video for my choice best rising youtuber.
Best Rising Youtuber- The Overview
The Nominees:
I met loopmoploop at the West Branch Children's Film Festival last year. His videos are very well made and he is a young director with a lot of potential. He specializes on lego videos but does some comedy as well. I hope to see more from loopmoploop in the future.
Scott is a young director who makes comedy and spoof videos. My favorite video of his is probably the spoof the Pokemon theme song he did. You should check it out.
Popular for his "Drew Pickles" videos, in which he uses the program speakonia, Panic Pagoda is a great video maker and really made me, and my friend elrond501st, laugh a lot. Check out his videos if you like to laugh (they are a bit inappropriate for younguns)
PoweredPanda -
I found out about him in one of basketballplayerty's video game review contest. A great game reviewer and at his best in his review of the NES system, powered panda is a great youtuber.
Organized Remains-
Another I discovered from the review contest, the guys from Organized Remains really put a lot of work into their in-depth game and movie reviews. I especially liked their review of a ps1 dodgeball game.
He is a youtube"noob" but his videos do have a lot of potential. Only a few videos have been uploaded, but are interesting.
One of my longest youtube friends and a great youtuber, wiicrazy's best video is probably the evolution of video games. Check it out!
Winner of the people's choice vote with 40+ votes, the potterspells is an up-and-coming comedy series that has some really great special effects. New videos are coming soon!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Best Rising Youtuber: The Potter Spells
Best Actor- Robert Downey Junior
Best Supporting- Simon Pegg/ Jude Law
Best Animated Film- Ice Age 3
Best TV Show- Family Guy
I will announce my choice winners soon.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thug2 100% Complete
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
NEW Random News Issue
Issue (We forgot the Number but it's an issue)
by Cameron Johnson
August 2009
only $98086894758437
Grim Reaper Gets Fired- Job Available
Grim Reaper and 5 other gruesome jobs now available
Bob farts- shockwave induces spine-tingling blast
5 things the future will bring
Volcano Land Election Time
The Quiz(Part 2)
And More!
New Jobs Available!!!!
Hello Random News Readers! Recently, Grimmer Mcripper got fired from his position as the Grim Reaper. This job is now open and auditions will take place at 640 Awful Smell Road, Port Huron, Michigan on the 6th of September. The Awesome Death Society is looking for a slim, skeletal-faced, black-hooded scythe owner. If you think you are up to the job, call 1800- REAPER today.
If you don’t think being the grim reaper is for you, then why don’t you try out one these 4 other jobs available-
Tooth Fairy-
Fancy giving all your hard-earned money to children you don’t know who pull out there teeth to make a quick $? Well, you have to have wings, and a lot of money. So, call in today at 1800-TOOTH1 or email at toothfairysareawesome@gmail.com.
News Columnist-
Yes, we are hiring. Call us at 111-111-1111 for more info.
Mother Nature-
There are rules that are required for this job. You must be a mother, your favorite color must be green, and you must lover nature. Duh. If you are not these things and you sign up, you will be forced to eat the toenails of Anthony- Warrel Thompson.
You may thing this job is crazy(which it is), but at least it isn’t as mind-bogglingly crazy as the word “Flagnardwigglerbottomyuongjiggleworthworthymanfromjigglylandofawesomness” which was recently added to the English, Spanish, and Polish dictionaries. You get to swing on vines, were nothing but a loin cloth, read absolutely nothing and be raised by gorillas! No facebook, Msn, Email, Twitter or TV for you! Yey! Call 248- JUNGLE for more info. You’ll get paid nothing in this job!!!
BOB FARTS- Shockwave induces spine-tingling blast!
Recently today, Bob Jorngijuger McFellyWly Boots Smith farted very loudly. In fact, his fart was so loud, he got in the Carlsberg Book of World Records for loudest fart, at 250 decibels. The blast of methane and various other unexplained gaseous phenomena tingled the spines of 16+ whales and 38 humans, making it the most damage produced by a single man’s fart ever. Winston Fartworthy, former world Champion, had this to say,
“I am utterly flabbergasted with joy that a person as worthy as Bob has completely demolished my record of 74 Decibels. I will be completely traumatized with complete amazement if someone breaks this record anytime soon. Good on you, Bob, this has been a well deserved win.”
Why the Window is a completely pointless item
by Jason Cranberry
I think the window is pointless. You know why? Because it just is. I mean, every time I look out of my window I can’t see because there is either 3 million miles of fog, it’s tipping it with acid rain, a volcano has erupted in my garden, or there is 20 inches of yellow snow. It’s soooo depressing.
That’s all I have to say.
How the world was created-in my opinion
by Carl Howzenheimer
It is a strange and wonderful world we live in. One has to wonder how it all began. Some people say it happened in a big bang, some people say it was made by a god, and some people believe it was sneezed out of the nose of a space giant. Well I think that’s a load of $!@#”)*^. The world was in fact created by Gorgyworgy, an alien company run by the great bowel replenisher of Uranus. This multi-billion space dollar company has been famous for materializing solar systems into existence for camoogyzillions of boringly long years, and, 5 billion years ago, created earth, as a dedication to the living Poop Monster of Flagazywoogerhoot. The Great Bowel Replenisher believes this is his 13th finest creation, and thinks that the species platypus is awesome.
The Top 5 Things the Future Will Bring
5. Talking Mantelpieces
Scientists predict that by 2070, electronics companies will have created talking mantel pieces, which will interact with humans and comment on the trophies placed on the mantel. Usually, however, scientist predict that the mantelpieces will insult you with countless yo mama jokes.
4. Butt Massagers
Yes, they are finally coming, butt massagers. It is announced that McDonalds are making every chair in their store a butt massager by 2017. That will be awesome.
3. Big Guns
The volcano land army has announced that in 38 years, there guns will be twice as big and powerful, but 3 times lighter, therefore they will have the most awesome army ever.
2. Playbox 379,000
This will be it, the most powerful gaming system ever. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and Burger King are combining to make a 3,000 GB memory, HDDDDDDD graphics console that even Bill Gates won’t be able to afford. Over 3,000,000,000 games have been announced, and you’re not gonna be able to get one!
1. The Super House
Ever wanted to be on TV but they thing you’re too ugly? Don’t get mad, the super house will let you do all of this! You can be on any tv show, video game, music video, or movie ever made with the tocuh of a button. Also, a huge 5000 square foot virtual house you can customize and live in! Sweet!
Please not that you won’t be able o buy one because they won’t come out for another 3 million years.
Yes, they’re here, it’s time for Active Volcano land to elect it’s new evil dictator.
4 Nominees-
Nick Start-
Shin-kicking maniac. Known for his love of extremely violent video games, love of kicking, and weird al music.
Famous quote- “I Kick You!”
Tommy Pickles-
Known mostly for appearing on the show Rugrats. Fell down over 50 sewers in New Jersey, and loves to eat frozen donkeys.
Famous Quote- “Agaqazoogi is my main man”
Jamie McBigButt-
He is known for being a very tough fella and also having a huge butt. Expected to lose the voting.
Famous Quote- “I can’t fit into these size 70 trousers!”
Hillbilly Harry-
Known for having an IQ of 4. He is very lovably evil, steals money from pink-haired rabbits, and loves to eat radishes.
Famous Quote- “Doy, Doy, Doo-yee”
Here’s a quiz for you to do.
What is your favorite season?
a- Spring
b- Summer
c- autumn
d- winter
e- I love it all year round
f- They all suck
What is your dream job?
a- Street Sweeper
b- Life Guard
c- Grim Reaper
d- Santa Claus
e- Mother Nature
f- Evil Dictator
What would you name your first child?
a- Bouncy
b- Christina Aguilera
c- Grimm
d- Frosty
e- Flowery Person
f- Nick
How do you exercise?
a- Trampoline
b- Swimming
c- Reaping
d- Driving Bobsled
e- Running
f- Kick Boxing
What video games do you play?
a- Eye Toy
b- Olympics
c- Ones about Halloween
d- Snowboarding
e- Guitar hero
f- Violent Ones
Who is your hero?
a- Bugs Bunny
b- Michael Phelps
c- Grim Reaper
d- Santa
e- The Earth
f- Myself
Mostly A’s- You are a rabbit
Mostly B’s- You are very athletic
Mostly C’s- You are the Grim Reaper
Mostly D’s- You are either Santa or one of his reindeer
Mostly E’s- You can be anything you want, except Santa or Grim Reaper
Mostly F’s- You are Nick .
Best Rising Youtuber
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